Our Story

How it all started...

It all started with a fire.  Park North Baptist building burned down, spurring Anchor Baptist to invite them to meet together while they rebuilt.  The churches became one heart and family so they decided to marry. Creekwood Baptist Church was born out of the ashes.

Expanding the vision...

Our passion is Christ.  Creekwood is a Bible uplifting ministry.  Creekwood wants to come along side people and help them grow in Christ.  Creekwood is a family of broken people knit together in Christ.      

Where we are headed...

We are committed to glorifying GOD together on earth and in eternity.  Creekwood is on the move!  We are moving to impact our city, state, and world for Christ.  Only the glorious Gospel of Christ can transform individuals, families, and communities.  

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 10:30 am and 1:15 pm.